PREMIOS AYNI – Art with Social Impact achieved tremendous success in its first edition, capturing widespread participation and a warm reception in the nationwide open call: a staggering 182 submissions from 21 regions across Peru.

To qualify as one of the 182 applicants, participants had to demonstrate:

  • A profile as socially engaged artists with at least three art projects showcasing social impact in their CV.
  • A project focused within the realm of visual arts.
  • An original and unpublished project.


Calling for applicants from all corners of the country, PREMIOS AYNI worked tirelessly to forge alliances in every region of Peru. The call was open from March 9th until June 2nd, 2023.

We owe our gratitude to the strategic partners who enabled us to reach every corner of Peru:

  • Embassy of Switzerland in Peru
  • Ministry of Culture of Peru
  • Regional Governments of all 24 departments in Peru
  • Municipality of Lima
  • Provincial, district, and rural municipalities throughout Peru
  • Museum of Art of Lima, MALI
  • Museum of Contemporary Art, MAC
  • Association of Curators of Peru
  • Dozens of cultural institutions, artists, curators, and cultural managers who served as ambassadors for the PREMIOS AYNI project



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Evento de presentación finalistas

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad
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Ceremonia de premiación

Proyecto ejecutado

The 182 qualified applicants were evaluated by a selection committee based on the following parameters:

  • Applicant’s experience/leadership in the community realm
  • Originality of the project
  • Demonstrable social impact of the project (How much social impact can it generate?)
  • Feasibility of the project
  • Potential for project replicability

11 finalists were selected, who propose to develop projects in 9 departments of Peru: Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cusco, Junín, Pasco, San Martín, Tumbes, Ucayali, and Lima.

The announcement of the finalists took place on June 26, 2023, during an event at the residence of the Swiss Ambassador in Peru, attended by distinguished guests from the cultural and business worlds.

The 11 finalists were awarded a high-level mentoring program with all expenses covered in the city of Lima.


Ernesto Alva Cepeda (Lima)

Nereida Apaza Mamani (Arequipa)

Cinthia Aspiros (Pucallpa)

Ana Balcázar Bartra

Orestes Bermúdez (Lima)

José Carbajal Tapullima (San Martín)

Vera Castro Sánchez (Cusco)

David Diaz Gonzáles (Ucayali-Cusco)

Wilmer Gutiérrez Yupanqui (Tumbes)

Roger Oré Mendoza (Ayacucho)

Ximena Prialé (Junín)


As part of the contest, the finalists participated in an intensive training journey aimed at strengthening their projects before presenting them to the International Jury.

The program includes an intensive in-person boot camp and one-on-one virtual mentorships. The finalists received training from senior experts in the following fields:

1. Design and planning of artistic and cultural projects

Mentor: Mariela Noriega – Head of the Cultural and Academic Management Unit, Proyecto Especial Bicentenario del Perú

2. Strategies for fundraising and sponsorships

Mentor: Mary Ann Lynch – Ex-CEO of D1 Cultural Association; Co-Founder of Purple

3. Cultural communication and marketing

Mentor: Carina Moreno – Coordinator of the Cultural Management Diploma, Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University

4. Aesthetics and circulation of artistic and cultural works, products, and services

Mentor: Giuliana Vidarte Head of Curatorship and Collection, MAC – Lima Museum of Contemporary Art

5. Sustainability and design of cultural businesses

Mentor: Gustavo Zapata – Manager, MALI – Lima Art Museum

International Jury

The International Jury, was made up of five professionals of great trajectory in the field of art and culture, who were in charge of selecting the winning project of the competition and two honorable mentions of PREMIOS AYNI 2023.

Renate Wagner Head of Exhibitions, Kunsthalle Basel (Switzerland)

Since the year 2000, Renate has dedicated her professional career to the realm of contemporary art, engaging in diverse activities such as curating exhibitions, publishing texts and works, and participating in various international selection committees.

From 2003 to 2014, she served as Project Manager and Coordinator for the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, gaining extensive experience in organizing large-scale events.

Since 2014, Renate has been the Head of Exhibitions at Kunsthalle Basel in Switzerland, where she has contributed to the realization of high-quality exhibitions and solidified her reputation as a leading figure in the field of contemporary art.

Clara López Menéndez Co-Director, Art Program, California Institute of the Arts - CalArts (USA)

Art enthusiast whose practice revolves around curating, pedagogy, criticism, and performance. Among her recent projects is the publication «La Crónica Libre,» a local publication on the politics and history of Los Angeles (where she resides), and the exhibition of Barcelona artist Antoni Hervás, «The Awakening,» at Human Resources LA (May 2023). 

In between, she earns a living as a professor and Co-Director of the Art Program at CalArts University.

Katya Cazar Executive Director, Cuenca Biennial (Ecuador)

As an artist and curator, Katya has participated in various national and international projects. She currently directs the 16th edition of the Cuenca Biennial. She has also been involved in past editions as a representative artist of Ecuador, curator, and executive director.

She is a prominent researcher in contemporary Ecuadorian art and has coordinated and directed the inclusion process of the work of artist Mauricio Bueno in the Guggenheim Museum Collection in New York.

In February 2023, she was invited to the biennials meeting organized by ARCO Madrid. She is also a member of the group of curators from Europe and Latin America, IKT. Katya also advised on the creation of the University of the Arts in Ecuador.

She has been a fellow of the Women Leaders of Culture program of the Management of Cultural Heritage in the USA. She was also a fellow of the Goethe Institut for «Experimenta Sur» in Bogotá and was invited to a residency in Galápagos by the Quo Artis Barcelona Foundation on art and science.

Issela Ccoyllo President, Association of Curators of Peru

Art Historian from the National University of San Marcos with a Master’s degree in Gender and Development from the same university. Her research focuses on critical art, gender representations, and the construction of visual culture imaginaries, questioning and extending the narratives of contemporary art practices.

She is a co-author with Jorge Villacorta of «Inteligencia Salvaje: La contraesfera pública 1979-2019» (Peruvian North American Cultural Institute, 2019), a book accompanying the homonymous exhibition that made visible forty years of counterculture in Lima, centered on the trajectory of artist Herbert Rodríguez. The exhibition received the National Curatorship LLAMA 2020 Award in the category «Beyond art.»

Claudia Coca Visual Artist and Educator

Her work provokes critical reflections on contemporary political and cultural themes: colonialism, racism, gender, and citizenship.

In 2023, she will participate as a guest artist in the Amazonias Biennial (Brazil) and the Santa Cruz Biennial (Bolivia). In 2022, she was invited to the Campo Air residence in Pueblo Garzón (Uruguay) and participated in the Women’s Century Forum (Bolivia).

Today, she is part of two transdisciplinary creation collectives. She is a member of Portunholas, a laboratory for women artists on the borders of South America. She also works on the collective project: «Una Geografía de los Saberes: ruta hacia el árbol de la Quina y otres habitantes» (A Geography of Knowledge: a route to the Quina tree and other inhabitants).

She has held twelve solo exhibitions and received numerous awards. Her works are part of collections such as: Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid; Museo del Barro, Paraguay; PAMM, Miami; MUNTREF, Museo de la Universidad Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires; MALI, Lima; among others.


The International Jury of PREMIOS AYNI decided Nereida Juliana Apaza Mamani (Arequipa) with the project “No Estás Sola” (You Are Not Alone) should be the winner. The project consists of developing artistic workshops (poetry books, posters, documentary photography, etc.). It is addressed to women working in the Central Market of Arequipa, who suffer domestic violence. The idea is to approach this problem by making it visible in the public space of the markets, using them as galleries to disseminate and socialize the resulting creations.

The winner received 20,000 soles for the execution of her project and a professional exchange trip to Switzerland. In addition, a Huamanga stone jewel designed by the renowned artist Ester Ventura, as well as a one-year membership for the “Friends of MALI” program.


The awards ceremony took place on September 7 at the residence of the Ambassador of Switzerland, Paul Garnier. The event was attended by ambassadors, businessmen, politicians and prominent leaders in the world of culture. The event was attended by Peru’s Minister of Culture.


Both received a 50% scholarship to study in MALI’s Cultural Management Program. In addition, a Huamanga
stone jewel designed by the renowned artist Ester Ventura, as well as a one-year membership for the “Friends of MALI” program.

“Matriz del Valle” by Vera Castro (Cusco), which proposes the technical adaptation of engraving to a homemade, itinerant and contemporary format, exploring other modern printing tools. These resources will be made available to children of the Sacred Valley, so that they can produce their own creations.

“Memorias del Pueblo Shipibo-Konibo” de David Diaz (Ucayali), una exposición fotográfica en la que se mostrará el proceso de adaptación y cambio que tuvo la comunidad Shipibo Konibo desde los años 50 hasta la actualidad.


Award for Artistic Career with Social Impact

To the visual artist Herbert Rodríguez, who dedicated 4 decades to building an artistic practice that is intertwined with daily life and citizen action. His critical art denounces social injustices and has inspired generations of artists and collective efforts. Actions such as his mural-collage “Arte-Vida”, made with the collaboration of students and professors of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in the middle of the armed conflict in Peru, makes him stand out as a visionary in the art with a social impact realm.

Award for Artistic Innovation

To Colectivo Color Energía (Carla Magan and Daniel Manrique), for having converted the slopes of the San Cristóbal hill in Lima into a macro mural of more than 300,000 square meters, thanks to their tireless vision and management, which took more than ten years to become a reality.